Monday, August 8, 2016

Trying different blog hosts

I will not be blogging here anymore.

I am a very casual blogger. Although I am getting better at writing and publishing posts at a more frequent pace, I am not generating great-quality work that entice people to view my posts. Therefore, in order to get people to view my posts, I have been bouncing around between various blog hosts. My idea was that eventually I would find a community at that host, who would be friendly enough to read and provide feedback and the host would give me enough freedom to customize my site.

The two best hosts that I like the most are Blogger and Before joining either of these hosts, I did a lot of online reading. Many people have already tried the two, listing out numerous pros and cons of each. In the end, these reviews could not convince me of which I should go to. Sooo, I tried both. It was both fun and frustrating trying to use each system. Here is what I have found. (Note: if you are looking for a list of pros and cons, please go to another blog whose author has done a much better job. I am just giving an anecdote of my attempts of blogging.)

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Investing Experiment: 08/06/2016

My euphoria at seeing my portfolio value rise is finally gone. As of closing on 08/05/2016, I had $1,515.60 in cash and my stocks had a total sum of $9,146.77. Overall, my portfolio was $10,662.37.

There have been ups and downs ever since I started this experiment, however this is the first full week where my portfolio's value went down every single day.

On the bright side! My overall gains since I started with $10,000 is 6.27%! Not bad for a little for 2 months. I'll keep crossing my fingers that after a year, I will have a return rate higher than 5%. I may not have a career working in a brokerage firm, but I have know for a long time that I do not have the nerves of steel to go for the riskier, but more rewarding, investments. Any gains is a win in my book!

To you who discovered this post, would you be satisfied with portfolio return rate of 5%? Or would you want the benchmark 10% rate?

Click here to see an overview of my investing experiment.
Previous update: 07/25/2016

Monday, August 1, 2016

Summoner Trilogy

Browsing at my local Barnes & Noble store looking for a new interesting realm to explore. I found two books side-by-side with the words "Summoner: Book One, The Novice" and "Summoner: Book Two, The Inquisition." My interest was piqued because the titles imply magic exists in this story, yet the person on the cover was holding a bow and carrying a quiver of arrows.